Hire our students and recent graduates.
2x faster.

Attract better candidates, make smarter hiring decisions, and delight candidates with Prosple’s unique all-in-one recruiting platform.

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Bring your organisation to life with authentic content.

Employers that share authentic content on their people, places, work & culture are more likely to attract candidates that thrive. Our platform is designed to let you do exactly this.

Track results from start to finish.

Get access to real-time data and insights about the performance of your campaigns. Benchmark against your peers.

Gain insights on how to optimise your content to make your brand stand out from the crowd.

Attract students at online career events

Join one or more of our regular online career events and pitch your organisation to thousands of students live!

Pick an event based on your region or industry sector and start building your employer brand with next cohort of top students.

Employers trust us to find students

Students trust us to find employers

Join the Prosple ecosystem

Our mission is to help every student get the best possible start to their career.



Using Prosple technology



Recruiting top talent



Beginning incredible careers

Ready to get started?

Start getting applications from our students now!

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